Cardamom and Cucumber Syrup

Cardamom and Cucumber Syrup

Recipe by Bampis Karipidis


  • Half glass of water

  • Half glass of sugar

  • 1 cucumber (finely chopped and cleaned)

  • 5-6 cardamum seeds or a spoon of cardamum powder

  • 3 regal leaves


  • Boil all the ingredients in a pot for 15’ and after it is cool, poor it through a sieve.

    General advice about syrups

    Sugar syrup, normal or scented with spices or flowers etc., is the basic material needed for the creation of most mocktails and the ingredients can be easily purchased in the market provided by numerous companies.

    Sugar syrup contains water and sugar, in various ratios, which we boil in very low temperatures, stirring continuously until the sugar melts and the mix is clear. When the sugar has melted, we remove it from the heat and let it cool down. We do not overboil it. If we do so, its consistency will be spoiled. Typically, we use white granulated sugar, however, we can substitute it with other sweeteners like honey or brown sugar etc.

    Standard or already made syrups have been used for the creation of some mocktails in our site, nevertheless, our team thought it would be best if we suggested in some recipes, ways that you can make them easily at home. Depending on how sweet we want the syrup, we choose simple, medium, or rich syrup or we replace sugar with a substitute of our liking.

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